Cakes, Cakes and More Cakes.

October 12, 2009 at 8:05 pm 1 comment

Practice cakes for Riley's Jungle Cake Practice cakes for Riley’s Jungle Cake

Cakes, cakes and more cakes. Yes they are sometimes foods but sometimes your have 3 parties in a week and they just seem to be an everyday food. We love making cakes at our house. I only need to pull the mixer out of the cupboard and my son gets excited. There is measuring, cracking eggs, pouring, mixing, changing colours of the mixture and icing. Then comes the taste testing, thankfully the mixer has two beaters on it. My favourite cakes to make are birthday cakes. Some ideas I come up with on my own and others I get inspiration from sites such as and fairybread.

Zoes 1st birthday

Zoes 1st birthday

Zoe's 2nd Birthday

Zoe's 2nd Birthday


Zoe's 3rd Birthday

Zoe's 3rd Birthday





When my daughter turned 1 I wanted to make mini cupcakes as we had a lot of people coming and I don’t like standing around cutting and serving cake. Sure it takes longer to make mini cakes but in the days before hand you can bake and freeze to make it easier. Her nickname was chickybabe, when I visited a massive lolly store and came across tiny chicken looking lollies ideas started forming in my head. I made and iced mini cakes and shaped them into a #1. When she turned 2 we had 3 smaller parties, so a cake to cut was easier to manage. However having 3 parties – playgroup, family, and mothers group. I wanted an easy cake to make. She had 3 butterflies. A round cake and 3 jam rolls make this a very easy cake to do. For her third birthday I went all out and made a 3 layered princess doll cake. It was so yummy and took a bit of time but hey, we had just moved into a new house, I had an 8 month old baby to look after now too so why not make things challenging for myself.


Prep for Riley's 1st Birthday cake

Prep for Riley's 1st Birthday cake

Birthday day cake.

Birthday day cake.

Riley's Party Cakes

Riley's Party Cakes









For my sons 1st birthday we were having a larger gathering again, back to the cupcakes. I was having a jungle theme for my cheeky monkey so I took out my cake board, plenty of cake papers of varying colours and set to designing a jungle. I made a number 1 up the middle of the board; these were to be made in ice-cream cones as trees. The river was shaped in a R for Riley and then we had banana trees, other jungle trees and an open plain for the lions and elephants. To go along with our jungle theme I made monkey, lion and tiger cupcakes too! It is surprising how easy these things are to make if you give yourself plenty of time. I look forward to many more years of decorating cake. What types of cakes have you made for you kids?

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Time for a Joke – Talkin’ Big. According to the TV– We’re not good enough! Ha!! We’re Better!

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Bianca  |  October 12, 2009 at 9:59 pm

    Mmmmmm….. I feel like cake 🙂


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Nicole Carr

Rizoleey = Riley + Zoe
I loved writing a diary for both of my children during their first year, I also made them a wonderful scrapbook of photos. Since my son turned 1 I needed a new avenue to express my creativity - Blogging combines my love of scrapbooking, kids activities, photography and writing.
I hope you enjoy taking a peek at our lives.

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Daisypath Christmas tickers
